How to Make 2 Language in Blogger

How to Make Two Language on Your Blogger -- So today I decided to make my blog more informative; to get more traffic outside Indonesia. Not only that, I also join many sites like Google+ Communities, BlogLovin, BlogCatalog, and many more just to make my blog get famous. lol! Please don't laugh at me hahaha..I just want to be a part of something bigger, something beyond my usual life. 

Now, I'm wondering if any of you (the newbie one especially like me :), which is still confused whether using your own language or making two different language in one post. So, here some blogger tips - how to make your blog in two language:
  • Using Google Translate Tool - just go to and click "adding to your website now". Okay this one is the best option and the easiest one you could do. But sometimes, google translate doesn't seem pretty good in translating various kind of accent or maybe words.
  • Having two blogs with two language separately. Well, I'll tell you, it;s way to waste your time dear..
  • Make a Post contain two language. I think it's the best way right now. I prefer to implement this one, because sometimes google translate ain't work well for indonesian language. To simplify the idea, the blogger post just one; you just have to make two different article both in Indonesian and English. I like to post in English first, then the Indonesian version.
I understand that this post was full of imperfection. Since English wasn't my native language, I created this way just to learn more about english, and making blogger friends through around the world.

So, what about your blog? Did you use the Google Translate or stick with just one language only? Share your thoughts on comment below guys. Thanks! :)


  1. saya ga bisa bahasa inggris cuma bisa menerjemahkannya aja... tapi sukar kalo disuruh ngomong ato apa..

    1. naah kalo disini saya sengaja pake 2 bahas mas, supaya kalo ada pengunjung yang pake english jadi bisa baca juga. terimakasih :)

  2. maksudnya bgmn? jadi 1 post langsung dua bahasa gitu. misal inggris di atas terus indonesia di bawahnya setelah yang inggris selesai. berarti numpuk ya?

  3. saya sudah bikin blog 2 bahasa, terinspirasi dari article oorang Turki cuma capeknya mesti bikin 2 versi untuk setiap posting. lum dijabanin sampe sekarang, baru nyoba 1 posting saja. kalo mau liat bisa berkunjung ke blog saya:

    tapi mesti hati-hati juga, cara ini bukan tanpa resiko. saya mengalami hal yang buruk untuk posting 2 bahasa tersebut.

    setelah saya posting, article itu langsung disukai om google dan dengan keyword 4 kata, langsung berada di halaman 2 untuk posting bahasa inggris dengan hasil pencarian 17juta result. dan yang bahasa Indonesia juga demikian.

    namun keesokan harinya saya coba lagi lihat rating article tersebut, dan ternyata kedua nya hilang dari index google.

    setelah saya selidiki, ternyata saya melakukan kesalahan dengan mengcopas posting pertama, dan langsung mengganti bahasanya tanpa merubah gambar dan struktur article. alhasil, kedua posting tersebut dianggap spam oleh google, karena ada kesamaan yang banyak.

    solusinya: saya buat ulang article bahasa inggris, dengan mengganti gambar, keterengan gambar, dan beberapa struktur paragraph. syukurlah hingga sekarang tidak lagi di deindex oleh google.

    demikian sharing pengalaman. semoga bermamfaat.


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